Welcome To Our Classroom

                                        "There is a brilliant child locked inside every student."
                                                              -- Marva Collins

 Dear Student and Family,

              Welcome to our classroom's website.  I am so excited that I will be able to spend the next year with you in our first grade classroom, where we will be doing so much fun and exciting activities.  We will have a primary focus on reading and writing, but will also explore math concepts, science, and social studies!! 

                I will be continually updating this website with our work we accomplish and important messages, so I do encourage you and your family to continually check in with our website. Please do take the time now to explore our website, as I have already put links to what our schedule will be, some topics we will be covering, and established policies.

             I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer and I can't wait to meet everyone on the first day of school!!  I am looking forward to the fun and successful school year we have ahead of us.


        Miss Maxian