Classroom Environment and Policies


              "Every student can learn, just not on the same day, or the same way."
                                                          -- George Evans

      Our classroom will be a fun, engaging, and safe environment where all students will participate in their learning. In order to create this atmosphere we need to have a structure in place regarding classroom management. In the first week of class we will discuss and create classroom rules together, learn who each other is, and decorate our classroom, which will be posted to this page, but below is some issues that I believe are my responsibility to address.

  Attendance:  Is a must.  If one of us misses a day we all fall behind trying to catch that student up.  I am aware that there will be doctor appointments and family needs, however please notify me prior to the day that will be missed, so I can provide your student with the work they will be missing ahead of time.

Grading: The grading will be focused primarily on the students' participation and completion of assignments and  projects.  Rubrics will be provided to the students ahead of time and discussed, so they know what is expected and how they will be evaluated. Your student will be tested, but their results will not comprise their entire grade. 

Behavior: Students' will need to respect themselves and each other at all times.  There will be no name calling, bullying, or physical altercations at any time.  We will support one another while we all try new things and challenge ourselves.  We will also be responsible for ourselves and actions.  We will discuss and model what this looks like in the class.

    If situations do arise the student will have to move a clothes pin up a color zones.  Everyone will start at green and then move to yellow (after first warning) and then move to orange (if a second occurance happens) and then move to red (if a misbehavior occured for a third time).  If the student has gotten themselves to the red zone, there will be tiered consequences.  The first tier is 5 minutes off recess.  The second tier is 5 minutes of frecess and a personal conference with me.  The third tier is 5 minutes off, a personal conference with me, and a call home.  I acknowledge that we all have bad days and I believe everyday is a new day, so everyday students' will start in the green zone regardless of where they might have been the day before.   I know calling home will be a rare occurance, but these steps will have been taken prior to you being notified of what happened. 

Classroom Rules:  Will be decided in class the first week.

Homework:  Will be given when students' need practice beyond the classroom.  It will not be graded but checked to see if it was completed to the best of their ability and in its entirety . However, it will constitute a percentage of the overall grade.